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What People Are Saying About Peter Pan Bakery:
"... the documentary is a quick watch, but it’s able to effectively show everyone who moves through the bakery on a given day, from Greenpoint lifers to newcomers with weird Leonardo DiCaprio-based art projects. Though we’d avoid watching it while hungry, because you’ll only get hungrier seeing all those donuts and egg sandwiches."
- David Colon, Brokelyn
"Awesome short film about Peter Pan Bakery, the best little donut shop in the world."
- BuzzFeed Food
"This beautiful documentary I spotted on @Eater gives me goosebumps. Peter Pan and Greenpoint; Two treasures..."
- Paulie Gee (@PaulieGee)
"Beat on a drum, and I will come. Ugg-a-wugg! I love this Peter Pan (Bakery) doc..."
- Charlotte Druckman (@cettedrucks), The Skirt Steak Files
"Most of this video will delight you and even the small part that does not (and if you watch it all the way through you'll know exactly what I'm talking about) is so short that it isn't even worth getting upset about. Ya got 8 minutes? Ya got time to watch this."
- Alex Balk, The Awl
"Owner Donna Siafakas recounts how her Greenpoint bakery has seen the neighborhood evolve from primarily Polish immigrants to today's influx of "big flocks of hipsters," but the film's main focus is the bakery's regular customers, who gather for coffee and egg sandwiches at the counter. Go, meet the restaurant's eclectic group of regulars, who discuss the changing Greenpoint..."
- Erin DeJesus, Eater.com